Oh, dear, my heart.
I feel lost here, too.
But we must always hope.
Do you remember the boy who died here?
I was not here.
What of him?
I was with him that night.
He began to see faces around his bed
that came from home.
He said they smiled and talked to him.
At last, he died...
lifting his head to kiss them.
What faces will smile on me when I die?
Who will comfort me that long night?
They cannot come from home.
They would frighten me if they did,
for I shouldn't know them.
There is no hope.
- No hope for me at all!
- What's the matter, love?
Tilda's getting married to John Browdie.
I'll be the only girl in the county
who hasn't posted my banns.
John Browdie's no catch. I hate him.
Eat your breakfast.
I'll never eat again.
How do you like Mr. Knuckleboy?