At last, he died...
lifting his head to kiss them.
What faces will smile on me when I die?
Who will comfort me that long night?
They cannot come from home.
They would frighten me if they did,
for I shouldn't know them.
There is no hope.
- No hope for me at all!
- What's the matter, love?
Tilda's getting married to John Browdie.
I'll be the only girl in the county
who hasn't posted my banns.
John Browdie's no catch. I hate him.
Eat your breakfast.
I'll never eat again.
How do you like Mr. Knuckleboy?
I hate him, that's how I like him.
He's a nasty, stuck-up monkey.
He needs his pride brought down.
I'll leave that to you, my love.
There's not a woman in all England...
can bring a person's pride down
quicker than you can.
Thank you, Squeery.
Who's Mr. Knuckleboy?
The new teacher.
A smile like a sugar-drop,
and the straightest legs I've ever seen.
The word for "window"...
- Is "fenĂȘtre", F-E-N-E...
- Oh, father.
I beg your pardon.
I thought my father was here.
- I'm so foolish, I'm sure.
- Not at all.
Again, the word for "window" is "fenĂȘtre."
I'm sure I am foolish.
It's just my pen is in need of...