Are those the prices?
- Yes.
Without tax. lt's important to
find aprice that fits your budget.
This is good craftsmanship.
- lt's oak.With a silk finish.
Oak? lt's nice.
You don't burn them, do you?
lt's intended for burial,
but everything can be cremated.
l'm an old carpenter.
You can't bury me in a fruit crate.
l wouldn't dream of it.
Oak is my favorite wood.
l'll take this one.
Do you want to look at the urns?
- Let's look at the flowers.
Maybe l should have some.
Kristian made it.
lt's ethnic food.
lt's fish in cocoanut milk.
l can taste and smell alittle again.
l need to remember to take my pills.
l need arefill of my prescription.
lt's starting, Granddad.
A month ago,
you said he had3weeks -
- and now you say
he's not going to...
No, there's been
a temporary improvement.
We can't say when precisely.
- l feel better.