lt's fish in cocoanut milk.
l can taste and smell alittle again.
l need to remember to take my pills.
l need arefill of my prescription.
lt's starting, Granddad.
A month ago,
you said he had3weeks -
- and now you say
he's not going to...
No, there's been
a temporary improvement.
We can't say when precisely.
- l feel better.
That's great, but...
well, it's fantastic.
But how much longer?6 months?
Not likely. But it's hard.
No two cases are alike.
No, you've said that 100 times.
l'm no longer short of breath.
- lt could quickly get worse.
You're sayingyou know nothing.
- l wouldn't say that.
You made me give you a date.
l didn't want to.
Of course we're glad Dad is still...
- l hardly cough at all.
No, that's fine.
lt's fantastic.
By the way,
l've given up my apartment.
- My apartment.