- Doesnt he need a nap?
- Come here.
- We want him to learn some limits.
- Come on.
Stop it!
This is my lifes work here.
When I started out, I had nothing.
Now look at me.
Ive got 8 1 /2 million
square feet in Irvine alone.
Its a goddamn empire,
and I want to leave it to you.
This is the life I want for you.
But what about what I want?
You want to be a writer?
Before that, you wanted to be
a professional surfer...
so its a little hard
to take you seriously.
Fine. I dont want your money.
But just for the record, Dad,
youve never done anything for me.
Its always been about you.
What the--
Its over. I should just drive my car
into the ocean and get it over with.
Dont say that.
He was running across PCH.
He didnt have a tag.
Was I gonna leave him there?
Hed get killed.
- I have something to confess.
- What?
You know how you told me youd pray
youd get into Stanford?
The other night,
I prayed for something too.
I prayed that you wouldnt
get into Stanford.
I didnt think
it was gonna work.
I was sitting here thinking,
whoa, my prayer was answered.
I should be happy.
I got into OCU,
and maybe you can go to OCU.
You can study creative writing,
and I can study marine biology...
and we can be together.