Pietje Bell


You should never give
your shoes away, you hear me?

Can only give away things
you don't need.

Forks and spoons! Plenty to spare!
What are you doing?
We have tons of forks and spoons!
I have a bone to pick with you.
Go help your father, out of my sight.
Your dear son is in the paper, Bell!
On the front page!
What you have to say?

About time.
Good news in the paper at last!
Instead of all that bad news.

The whole city is disgusted.
What will become of him?

You should try my upbringing, Bell.
My Joseph never did anything wrong.
He was never on the wrong
side of the police.

And he'll never make
the front page.

I'm not surprised. The paper
isn't interested in boring clods!

And his broken specs?
They cost me a fortune.
I'll pay for the glasses.
Your son can't walk around
like a blind chicken.

What did you do with the beads?
Played marbles...
You can laugh.
If you can't laugh, you can't live.
I'll lose my job like this!
We can't have that!
Listen to your sister.

Even if you are my teacher,
I won't do what you say.

Joseph, you're wearing glasses!
You have bad eyesight?
- No. It just looks more intelligent.
