Plots with a View

Mother would've wanted it
kept very simple.

May I say what an honour it is
for you to choose Plots...

:09:05 this saddest of times.
- Yes, yes. Can we get on with it?

Of course.
- Church or chapel?
- Church.

Fiercely. Church was Mam.
Your mother hasn't been
inside a Church for 25 years.

Betty, the least you could do is
show a little respect for the dead.

Had you been more attentive, mother
might still be alive, mightn't she?

That's not fair, Hugh!
You can't blame me for her death!

Look, I don't think
this is the proper occasion...

Would you like an open coffin?
It's a long-standing Plots tradition.
A true mark of respect.

There is, of course, some slight
discoloration when someone...

Chokes on Multi-Fibre All Bran.
but I believe we can remedy that.

Open coffin?
Well, she was very clear about
what she wanted to be buried in.

I assume she wanted
to be seen in it.

Open coffin it is, then.
Well, if you could
bring in the garment.

Oh, and some recent photos
of your mother.

Right. Well, Betty'll see
to that, won't you, Betty?

Boris, thank you very much.
So you were really cheating on her?
Cheating and lying...

...spending your money on strippers?
- I can't believe it.

Councillor Rhys Jones is having
his mother's funeral at Plots!

Well, maybe you were a little
too progressive with him.

Funeral fashion. It's the next
big thing. "The Catwalk Corpse".

Yeah, well, he didn't seem too keen
on the "Deck of Cards" theme.

She loved playing cards!
Everybody said that.

Yes, but I don't think
that was the problem.

I think dressing her up as the Queen
of Spades, that was the problem.

You have no imagination, Delbert.
That's your problem.

No vision. I wanna create
a whole new kind of funeral.

Keep in mind the root word
of funeral is "fun".

Fantasy funerals will be
the funerals of the future.

Yes, but the people of Wrottin-Powys
are more your "ashes to ashes...
