Plots with a View

I thought you would never get here.
I thought you were only
gonna wear that in the caravan.

Thanks very much.
- Evening, Betty.
- Hello, Meredith.

- I'm Catwoman.
- Never.

Not many people would have
one of those in their wardrobe.

Pretty good, huh?
- Another winner!
- He's so cute.

- Can never have too many of these.
- You win again.

How about this?
Celebrity sendoffs.

We supply the celebrity...
to read the eulogy
at your funeral?

It's good, huh?
Know any celebrities?
There was a woman who was on
at the rugby club at Christmas.

- I've got her number.
- Is she a celebrity?

- She's a stripper.
- Oh, that's all right.

Drink, Betty?
I've brought my own bottle.

- I wouldn't say no.
- Come, Hugh, this is for us girls.

- Go on, I'll have a drop.
- What about you, Betty?

- Put some in there!
- Oh, not for me.

- Just a splash.
- You don't like it.

- I do!
- You don't!

This is for us girls. Now, come on,
Betty, give us your glass.

- No, really.
- Just a drop to warm the cockles.

Well, if you don't want it,
I'll have it!

You don't like this, Councillor.
It's for Betty.

Bloody hell!
I just remembered. The last time
I had that, it didn't agree with me.

- Councillor. Mrs Rhys Jones.
- Boris.

- It's a lovely evening for it.
- What? Oh, yes.

Would you mind if I asked
Mrs Rhys Jones for a dance?

No, no, no, carry on.
Dance until you drop.

Well, come on, Betty!
I'm gonna get a proper drink.
