pronounce you dead and in 10 minutes
I'll have you back at the shop.
There won't be
a soul in town not convinced...
that poor Betty Rhys Jones
went over the edge.
Oh, Betty!
A quick funeral,
then it's off to Tahiti.
What if I can't manage the rope?
What if I miss the ledge?
Try to ignore that.
Trust me.
It'll work.
I'm a Spanish lady.
Right. Go ahead.
Dibbs. Hey. A word after.
I thought you would never get here.
I thought you were only
gonna wear that in the caravan.
Thanks very much.
- Evening, Betty.
- Hello, Meredith.
- I'm Catwoman.
- Never.
Not many people would have
one of those in their wardrobe.
Pretty good, huh?
- Another winner!
- He's so cute.
- Can never have too many of these.
- You win again.
How about this?
Celebrity sendoffs.
We supply the celebrity...
to read the eulogy
at your funeral?
It's good, huh?
Know any celebrities?
There was a woman who was on
at the rugby club at Christmas.
- I've got her number.
- Is she a celebrity?
- She's a stripper.
- Oh, that's all right.
Drink, Betty?
I've brought my own bottle.
- I wouldn't say no.
- Come, Hugh, this is for us girls.
- Go on, I'll have a drop.
- What about you, Betty?