Help yourself.
I'll ask you if you want to dance.
We'll show them
what we can really do.
Then, when everyone's watching,
that's when we do it.
That's when you have to trust me.
- But you're fine.
- I'm fine?
- Of course.
- You throw me over the edge...
...and I'm fine. How?
- There's a ledge.
When you fall, you fall onto the
ledge. It's about four feet down.
Because you scream, everybody thinks
you've fallen, but you haven't.
But I haven't.
And on the ledge
you'll find a rope.
Okay, Betty. Come on, come on!
See, you can slide down
the 80 feet to the bottom.
The doctor will be down there.
He'll say he was out...
walking his dog,
but he's waiting for you.
Wait a minute.
I slide down 80 feet?
We'll practice.
The Doc'll look after you.
He'll give you the pills,
squirt fake blood about...
pronounce you dead and in 10 minutes
I'll have you back at the shop.
There won't be
a soul in town not convinced...
that poor Betty Rhys Jones
went over the edge.
Oh, Betty!
A quick funeral,
then it's off to Tahiti.
What if I can't manage the rope?
What if I miss the ledge?
Try to ignore that.
Trust me.
It'll work.
I'm a Spanish lady.
Right. Go ahead.
Dibbs. Hey. A word after.