"If Babu had killed him,
we'd find his body"
Babu too isn't here
We have nothing to do with them.
Let's go to Rajgarh
All right.
But let's file a complaint
What is it?
- Is this a police station?
Railway station. Didn't
see the board outside?
I want to write a report
What about?
We were on our way from Delhi...
- Me and my wife
Where is she?
- In the car
So? - We were going to Rajgarh.
- What are you doing here?
That's what I'm
trying to tell. May I?
- We were going to Rajgarh
We met a man called Babu.
His car broke down
We gave him a lift.
- And he fled with your car
"No, I have my car.
Now will you please listen?"
He kidnapped my wife!
This is a police
not railway station
- No, police station"
Then I followed them in a truck.
- Truck? How?
I took a lift.
- Where is he?
Will you listen to me?
Then the truck driver
helped me rescue my wife
Then Laxmi and I left
Suddenly his truck followed us
and Babu was in it!
But you said you hit him
and he ran away...
How do I know? We'd left!
- Saved your life and fled
I did go back to look for him.
But he wasn't there. Got that?
How was the marriage?
- Great
What great food!