- Me and my wife
Where is she?
- In the car
So? - We were going to Rajgarh.
- What are you doing here?
That's what I'm
trying to tell. May I?
- We were going to Rajgarh
We met a man called Babu.
His car broke down
We gave him a lift.
- And he fled with your car
"No, I have my car.
Now will you please listen?"
He kidnapped my wife!
This is a police
not railway station
- No, police station"
Then I followed them in a truck.
- Truck? How?
I took a lift.
- Where is he?
Will you listen to me?
Then the truck driver
helped me rescue my wife
Then Laxmi and I left
Suddenly his truck followed us
and Babu was in it!
But you said you hit him
and he ran away...
How do I know? We'd left!
- Saved your life and fled
I did go back to look for him.
But he wasn't there. Got that?
How was the marriage?
- Great
What great food!
Ratan Singh ate 2 chickens!
And he ate 2 dozen sweets
Now will you write the report?
"Write his report.
- Yes, follow me"
You're laughing?
I'm only finding
loonies on the road
Finally when they returned
they were talking of parties
You're laughing?
The police station is like a zoo
All cops are the same!
- What?
"No, some are good.
Like your respected Dad"
Forget this. Now what do we do?
What can we do?
It's almost night.
We'll leave early in the morning
It's the name of the hotel