Well, actually, guys who ride cycles
are pretty sexy.
- Thank you. You see?
- Sorry.
The fact is that touchy-feely, weepy,
in-touch-with-their-feelings guys...
make you sick--
you're repulsed by them.
Give me the Ice Age, okay?
Survival of the fiittest.
No mixed signals. No bullshit.
Just the meanest, hairiest bastard
wins all the time.
Let's change the subject right now.
You know, it's interesting.
All this looking is so masculine.
I mean, you guys
are just about the visuals.
Really. Why is it that when
I'm going down on a guy--
- Sophie!
- No, really.
Why is it
that when I'm doing my thing...
why is it that men
always insist on watching?
Why can't you just close your eyes
and concentrate on the feeling?
It's not the most flattering activity
for a woman.
I'm not sure that that's a--
Maybe we can help.
Nick, jump in here.
A woman is doing her thing.
Why do we have to watch?
Well, maybe to make sure
that it's actually happening?
I'll buy that.
Make sure we're not hallucinating.
And maybe to fiile it away, in case
it's a long time before the next one.
Two excellent answers. Perhaps you'd
elaborate on the fiiling it away part?
File it away for what?
- Oh. I don't know.
- Come on, Nick.
We're fiinally treading on
some familiar territory here.
Mom's in the kitchen
making Jell-O with fruit.
- You lock yourself in the bathroom--
- Don't sweat it, Nick.
I grew up with three brothers.
The closets were pornography museums.
More visuals.
You're right about the visual thing.
It always drives me nuts
when I hear a guy...
going on about something a girl does
that's supposed to be so sexy.
- Like what kind of thing?
- Like how she flips her hair.
How she stands with one foot
to the side. It could be anything.
- What's wrong with that?
- Because that's nothing.
That's just something she does.
And she probably only does it
because she saw it in a movie.
It's not their real stuff.
All that stuff-- the hair flips,
the mannerisms, the catch phrases.