They add up to the personality.
So they are what's real.
Yeah, but it's all the outside stuff.
That's fiine in the beginning.
You need the outside stuff.
You need, like,
the reasons to be in love.
But you can get past that
to the part...
where the little tricks
don't mean anything.
I say you are attracted to
what is in front of you. End of story.
How romantic.
It takes years and years together.
- Yeah?
- I can't describe it exactly...
but it's like there's nothing
she can do.
All her usual ways of hooking you in
have no effect...
and yet you're still in love.
It's like the act is over...
and you get to the part
she's been hiding.
And she's been hiding it
because she thinks that's the part...
that's gonna blow it
or make you leave or get bored...
but you get to that part,
and you're still there.
And you're even more in love.
Have you met my nephew?
His name is Jesus.
How old are you, Nick?
I'm 1 6.
Stay strong, Sophie. There's
a thousand of my dollars at stake here.
Are we still on a one-drink limit?
- I think we can have one more.
- Yeah, I'm in.
Scootch out of there, Sophie.
- Who wants what?
- Sophie knows what I like.
-Just some ice water, please.
- Okay, that's charming.
A player might consider taking advantage
of this time alone with Andrea.
Andrea. Yeah.
You can take your time.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- What's the deal with your uncle?
- I don't know.
This is really the fiirst time
I've hung out with him socially.
- Do you live in the city?
- I live in Ohio with my mom.
She and Roger
don't really speak anymore.
Do you have a girlfriend back home?