How old are you, Nick?
I'm 1 6.
Stay strong, Sophie. There's
a thousand of my dollars at stake here.
Are we still on a one-drink limit?
- I think we can have one more.
- Yeah, I'm in.
Scootch out of there, Sophie.
- Who wants what?
- Sophie knows what I like.
-Just some ice water, please.
- Okay, that's charming.
A player might consider taking advantage
of this time alone with Andrea.
Andrea. Yeah.
You can take your time.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- What's the deal with your uncle?
- I don't know.
This is really the fiirst time
I've hung out with him socially.
- Do you live in the city?
- I live in Ohio with my mom.
She and Roger
don't really speak anymore.
Do you have a girlfriend back home?
No. Not right now.
Nick, can you do me a favor?
Pick that up.
- Protein for stamina.
- Let's switch, Andrea.
- Okay. I suppose it's your turn.
- Yeah, good idea.
Keep things fresh
and help us fiight that second-round lag.
- What's that?
- That's a conversational lag...
that often occurs after the ordering
of the second round.
Actually, Nick was telling me about you
and your relationship with his mother.
- No secret there. She's my sister.
- Your relationship with her.
Not your relationship to her.
Nick says they don't speak.
That's terrible.
I mean, you need your family.