
You are his boy. Looks like Alexi's
got himself some hot investors.

You got your armadillo on?
Jesus, you're an idiot.
You want to be a paraplegic?
Do you know what those guys
can do to your spine?

Gotta catch me first, Rid.
-Right. It's your face.
-Yes, Mother.

At least do it up.
-Okay, Mom.
-Stubborn bastard.

Okay, Toba! Big roar now!
Let's hear it! Let's go!

Great roar, Toba! Now, you hang tight
up there tonight, okay?

You, too, Jonathan.
All right.
Listen up, thugs.
Got our butts kicked last game,
but we're not going down again.

Are you?
-I didn't hear an answer! Are you?

Give them something to think about
for the playoff.

That means teamwork,
so no more cowboy hot-dog dogshit.

Can't we all just get along?
No, Aurora's right.
No more of the cowboy hot-dog dogshit.
When the Red Horsemen went
to the Golden Horde last month...

...they came back with their tails
between their legs.

Now the Horde comes to Horsemen town.
The word is "rematch."
And the Horsemen hope
it's spelled "payback. "

A team must go around the track twice...
...maintaining possession of the rollerball
before they can score.

It's really that simple.
As simple as using a Lifestyle
female condom before sex.

The ball must be held at all times.
Player gear may be only used
to dislodge the ball...

...or prevent a score.
