Serving Sara

Este gringo me molesta...
No gringo. Italiano.
Mambo Italiano.
No mambo Italiano.
Mambo King, Armand Assante.
- Mambo King soy yo.
- Hey, Chico

just drop me off
in America, okay?

Agase para... carajo, feo!
Hey, I got another question.
How do people do it?
I know you're awake, so stop
pretending to be asleep.

Actually, I was
pretending to be dead

but I can't fool you.
How can someone end a marriage
like that, just...

What? Are you telling me
you didn't see this coming?

Let me guess.
A lot of trips out of town.

"Go ahead, honey."
"Go ahead. Don't worry your
pretty little head.

I'll take care
of the homestead..."

Not to mention those extra poker
nights with the boys.

Gordon doesn't play poker.
Missing my point.
Look, I've served thousands
of subpoenas.

Granted, never one to
somebody as hot as you.

I don't know
your husband

but I do have a great deal
of insight into men.

And we are mean,
hurtful and despicable.

Male headquarters would kill me
if they knew I was
telling you this.

Yeah, well, "despicable"
is putting it mildly.

And then,
you complain that

we get half of everything.
Believe me, after this type
of treatment

half is the very least
we should get.

The only thing you're getting
half of, honey

is screwed.
What do you mean?
He served you first.
He's in Texas, and he's got
home-court advantage.

Wait. Served me first?
What is this? Third grade?
Yeah, sometimes.
Texas has the most conservative
divorce laws

in the country.
Not to mention
those good ol' boy judges.

Sure most of them aren't married
to their first wives.

Believe me
if I'd known
this was coming

I'd have been the one
doing the serving.

- Yeah.
- How about that, huh?

No, seriously.
What would have happened
if I'd served him first?

Okay, if you had served
him first

the trial would have been
in New York...

not in Texas... where you would
have fared a lot better.

50% better, actually.
