What is the situation?
Captain, do you know who he is?
The chairman
of the Tai Feng Corporation.
The one who dumped toxic waste...
...into the river?
- Yes.
Come with me.
The medics took one look at him
and called us.
It's ridiculous.
I believe he was drowned...
...in icy water.
The mucus in his
nasal cavities is frozen.
You are with Foreign Affairs.
This is not your case.
What are you doing here?
Might this not be
the original crime scene?
This scene is perfectly intact. And his
employees say he never left his office.
- What case?
- I said, I have a case here.
On such a hot day as today,
the boss of a major corporation...
...drowns in his 17th-floor office.
What the hell are you doing here?
What case are you on?
- What are you doing?
- What is he doing here?
Huo-tu, you have no business here.
Go back.
- Espin Pinosa?
- Yes, sir.
I've got to bring you in...
...for violating Taiwan's
labor agreement with the Philippines.
- Understand?
- I don't understand.
I'm arresting you.
No! Why? Why's that?
Why is that? No.