John Kloss is gonna
be there this year. My dad
set up an interview for me.
-- Awesome, dude.
-- Oh.
You get the job with
Kloss, you turn around,
you hire us. We're set.
Dude, I'm not gonna
get the job with Kloss
if he thinks I stole money
from K.O.K.,
and neither are you.
Oh, thanks for dragging me
down with you.
We just need to prove
that Spence stole the money.
Well, although
I hardly feel like
this is the appropriate time
to bring it up,
what about
the videotape, man?
What videotape?
The videotape of Adam
humping the Tri Pis, man.
what are you saying?
Well, I'd just finished
studying for some school
when I noticed Adam's
speaker was tipped over.
On the floor was
a little video camera
to a motion detector.
I found a thing.
I noticed that its
input cable had come loose,
so I carefully traced it
to its source.
I got a thing.
It led to a metal footlocker
at the bottom of Adam's closet,
which was, you know,
already unlocked.
lnside, I found
a videocassette recorder.
Well, naturally, since
it was his private property,
I didn't touch anything.
You could see the safe
right by his bed.
You were watching my tape?
-- You're a pervert! You're a
pervert! You're a pervert!
No, no. Hey, hey, hey. Come on.
Come on. This is great.