hast thou, the master-mistress
of my passion.
A woman's gentle heart,
but not acquainted
with shifting change,
as is false
women's fashion.
Should I...
get under the table
and suck your cock
right now?
What? Right here?
Please -- a few lines
of Shakespeare,
and you expect
a girl to swoon.
No, I --
Next you'll be telling me
what kind of car you drive.
No, no, no, I'm not like that.
No, really.
By -- by taking this class,
I'm -- I'm trying to
get in touch with --
My breasts?
Yes -- No. No.
I know why
guys like you take
Women's Studies courses.
No, Leah.
I'm not like that.
I'm just --
Can we just study?
'Cause that's what
I came here for.
## Sugar ##
## Ahh, honey, honey ##
## You are my candy girl ##
## And you got me wanting you ##
How many times
do I have to say it?
The toilet is
for toilet paper
and toilet paper only!
Aah! Uhh!
Another soufflé burnt!
I cannot concentrate
on my cooking!
Well, what's
your fucking problem?
I mean, what --
what's wrong?
I want a boyfriend.
But, no.
They will not have me.
But why?
Can I make a little,
teeny, tiny suggestion?
Now, just go up, up,
and flick,
just like that.
And after we get
the mustache,
maybe we can do
those armpits.
And, um, we can do
your knuckles