999 uses...
and the important thing
is you have to figure out
what those uses are...with this.
He's right.
Use number one --
a stylish bracelet.
Use number two...
-- Ahh!
l'm gonna make a fortune
with these.
Are you sure
this is going to work?
Just be cool.
As far as anybody knows,
you're back on the force.
Hey, Uncle Felix.
l'm not your uncle.
l know. lt's just easier
to call you that.
Um , you don't mind , do you?
Of course not.
Well , welcome back, Juni.
Says here
you were reinstated.
Sure does, doesn't it?
He was fired and rehired
all in the same day.
Let me bring up the keys
to the DragonSpy Five.
6 o'clock.
Wow. You're looking good
with the new gear, Carmen.
-- Their latest stuff.
-- Very cool...
only we had that weeks ago.
Here's what's really new.
Nanotechnology --
everything you're wearing
is right here on my wrist.
lt's superaccurate
and , oh , so light.
lt even tells time.
How did you get that?!
Well , it's all prototype,
You can't be running
around with those
mass-produced gadgets.
Just means
everyone's got them.
l always go
with the prototype.
-- Sure,
they're a little...buggy,
But l can deal.
l-l accidentally
squashed him
on my way
out of the O.S.S. building.
Sorry about that.
He was outdated , anyway,
so think of it
as a mercy killing.
Gary and Gerti Giggles,
-- you have assignment