6 o'clock.
Wow. You're looking good
with the new gear, Carmen.
-- Their latest stuff.
-- Very cool...
only we had that weeks ago.
Here's what's really new.
Nanotechnology --
everything you're wearing
is right here on my wrist.
lt's superaccurate
and , oh , so light.
lt even tells time.
How did you get that?!
Well , it's all prototype,
You can't be running
around with those
mass-produced gadgets.
Just means
everyone's got them.
l always go
with the prototype.
-- Sure,
they're a little...buggy,
But l can deal.
l-l accidentally
squashed him
on my way
out of the O.S.S. building.
Sorry about that.
He was outdated , anyway,
so think of it
as a mercy killing.
Gary and Gerti Giggles,
-- you have assignment
Good luck.
Don't hurt yourselves
with that outdated gear.
Remember, an agent
is only as good as his gadgets.
You have
the Ukata assignment?
Very nice.
You'll love it.
Thanks, Uncle Felix.
l'm not your uncle.
Oh , nice sub.
Woman : Welcome
to the DragonSpy DLX.
Seems like they get
more and more sophisticated
each month.
Everything is automated!
-- Woman : Now picking your nose.
Ugh , little brothers.