In the beginning, there was nothing.
-Worse than wilderness.
Endless raw acreage,
the land infested with crocodiles.
-Alligators, crocodiles....
For retirement bungalows,
that's not a selling point.
Mosquitoes that would strip you
to the bones.
-That was 10c an acre. This was worse.
The name means in Seminole:
"Don't go there."
But we bought it.
Because we knew.
You weren't selling land.
I mean, what's land?
A patch of dirt, a tree. Who cares?
Farmers care.
Farmers are for TV ads. People
with tractors, amber waves of grain.
They shoot it all in Canada.
I'm talking about certified accountants
with a fixed pension and a nest egg...
...who don't wanna spend
their golden years in slush.
Dreams are what you sell.
A concept.
You sell sunshine,
you sell orange groves...
...you sell gentle breezes
wafting through the palms.
-There were palm trees?
-In the brochures.
-Stately ones.
-When they came down and saw it?
As long as the dredge stayed ahead
of the buyers, we were in like Flynn.