Sunshine State

Somehow, I've never been
north of Washington, D.C.

You'll just have to come visit us.
When Terrell's out of school,
maybe we'll do that.

How about that, Terrell?
You like to see Boston?

The proposed boundary for Delrona
Beach will incorporate this area...

...including Lincoln Beach all the way
to the Exley Plantation track.

Excuse me.
If you want to make a motion, wait
till Commissioner Pinkney's finished.

-I want to register a protest.
-In regard to what?

This meeting was not
properly advertised.

We met all legal requirements.
You purposely chose a time when our people
would be unable to attend.

The residents of Lincoln Beach?
You know very well many of us
are only here on weekends.

Many are only summer people.
That doesn't deny us the right
to object to this expropriation.

-You've already taken a third of our area.

You know that was
a private transaction...

...between Exley Plantation Estates
Planned Community...

...and the individual property owners.
This commission didn't know about it
until the plans were submitted.

If you hadn't already approved it,
they wouldn't have gone ahead.

As spokesman for the Exley Corporation,
I object to the implication--

-It has historic significance to us--
-We made several offers to--

A history that this commission
has consistently ignored!

You let them take away our cemetery.
Dr. Lloyd, we're talking old business.
If you dislike the current agenda--
