Killer drive,
beautiful approach shot...
...and I just couldn't get
the damn thing in the hole.
That would seriously cut
into your winnings, wouldn't it?
-It's better now?
-I won't know until I get out there.
I can always sink them in practice.
So you'll be travelling a lot.
That's the life.
Are there, like, groupies?
I suppose. If you win.
I never could understand
wanting to watch it.
You know? It's like
those fishing shows on TV.
Does that make you feel bad?
I don't watch people wait on tables
or run the check-in desk.
Right, you don't.
-This is too weird.
-Is it what you remember?
It's my room, yeah,
but that boy's been living in here.
We got some serious testosterone
working here. Now, he's what, exactly?
His daddy is my cousin.
Grew up kind of wild.
He's living here because...?
She wants me to drive them downtown
for some kind of hearing tomorrow.
-He's in trouble?
-She's not giving up any information.
Punish me a bit.
-For being gone so long.
-For everything.
She's the one who asked you
to come down, made the first move.
It's too weird.