Sunshine State

-Like that was gonna make me feel better.
-And Carter?

-Carter ran around acting the daddy.

Better you knock your girl up than to
have people think somebody else did it.

But it all turned out fine, didn't it?
I suppose I could've done worse.
So you're the one who finally
snagged Desiree Stokes?

I'm the one.
-That girl drew men like flies.
-I can imagine.

-Elton Lloyd.
-Reginald Perry.

We're staying at her mother's
for a few days.

A wonderful woman, Eunice.
A true Christian.

Now her nephew, is it?
Her nephew's son.
Young Terrell.
I blame it on the drugs.
It's a pestilence.

Something happened with his...?
-Eunice didn't tell you?
-She and Desiree haven't been....

-If you ask, you don't deserve to know.
-Seems to be the attitude.

Terrell's father was going
through a rough stretch.

He had separated from his wife.
He came over one day
high on who knows what.

They had a screaming argument,
he had a weapon.

He shot that woman dead,
then turned the gun on himself.

Horrible thing to witness.
-Terrell must have been 6, maybe 7.
-He saw it?

He sat with the bodies for two days
before somebody came over and found him.
