Sunshine State

:33:02 the point where it's only
multi-internationals with 12 lawyers...

...waiting like buzzards
for something to litigate...

...that can afford to put one brick
on top of another.

The little guy, no matter how much
grit or imagination he brings to it...

...ain't got a chance. They got him
tied down so he can't hardly breathe.

You smoke a damn cigarette, they
make you feel like a baby-strangler.

Where's it all gonna end?
I don't want to know.

But if they expect my cooperation,
they're just shit out of luck.

The reason I hang on to this old bag of
bones is to spite the sons of bitches.

They made me put into Social Security
for 50 years.

I ain't giving up the ghost till I spend
every damn penny of it.

-Which one are you?

-You think I'm full of crap, don't you?
-It's time for your insulin, Mr. Temple.

There's an opening here
that could close up quick.

-My father is the owner.
-I understand he's currently indisposed.

He's legally blind, if that's what you mean.
The black folks on Lincoln Beach have
contacted the Historical Register.

That's their business.
Draw that kind of attention,
environmentalists come in on their heels.

They're pesky little buggers.
Then you won't be able to sell
your property for what it's worth.

-What's it worth?
-Not much at the moment.

And since the resort condos have come in,
your taxes have jumped 30%.
