Sunshine State

...I could stay dead.
I would hate my father
for planting me.

And then I go on from there.
The important thing is...
:38:17 freeze yourself
in an interesting...

...but comfortable position.
Jaime, you're about to fall over.

We'll resume tomorrow.
You should be off book by then.

I thank you all very much
for your work today.

-It is you, isn't it?
-Hello, Miss Delia.

It's really you.
It is so wonderful to see you.
My mother told me
you were still running this.

They'll have to drag me off.
Several members of the local press
have suggested that very thing.

These are my special group.
Young people with difficulties.

-What's the play?
-As I Lay Dying.

Rather loosely adapted, but I don't
believe Mr. Faulkner would object.

-The scene of your many triumphs.
-I let you down.

-Whatever do you mean?
-When I left. I was the lead.

Well, we did have to make
a few adjustments.

But the show must go on.
You played it?
