He's cute.
I'm gonna turn around only to see what
falls under your definition of cute.
If you're at 12:00,
he's about 3:30.
Trying to imagine what it would be
like without us crackers?
-You're everywhere.
-Small island.
I didn't mean to be intrusive before.
I thought they'd contacted you.
Don't worry about it. There's days I imagine
it all blowing away in a hurricane.
-Must be a lot of work being a hotelier.
-Motelier. And we got the restaurant.
-I hated working there as a kid.
-And now?
I got three girls working for me
hate it as much as I do.
-Why do you...?
-Poetic justice. What are you drinking?
-Draft. How about you?
-Shots. Tequila.
If you're gonna drink,
why fuck around?
You're from up north.
They say everybody here is
from somewhere else.
-Not me. I'm sixth generation. At least.
-That's impressive.
You go back that far, your people were
planters, slaves or fugitives.
Yours were...?
I don't know what they were running
from, but this is where they stopped.
-I'm from Newport, Rhode Island.
-With the yachts and big estates?
My dad took care of the lawns.
-So you've never left the island?
-Sure, I left all right.