Sunshine State

Things might pick up.
Don't hold your breath.
They used to say folks around here
only worshipped three people:

The father, the son
and the Florida Flash.

The day he got hurt, I must have
run the replay 100 times.

He stopped coming up here.
Left school.

So you were
one of the adoring masses?

I was in high school, he was on
national TV. What do you think?

That's some heavy story about Terrell.
A big responsibility she's taken on,
a kid like that.

-So can you help him?

-What am I, a shrink?
-I mean help him build this thing.

Carpentry and adolescent psychology,
two things I know nothing about.

Try, okay? For me.
I'll do what I can.
-Maybe we'll head back on Monday.
-We just got here.

I don't want to get sucked in to any
of this. I don't like who I am down here.

And I don't trust my mother.
Is that you, Elton?
