Sunshine State

Flash Phillips! I used to watch you
leave them tacklers grabbing the wind.

How you doing? Baby, this is
Flash Phillips, the Heisman guy.

-I didn't win the....
-Only because they popped your knee.

-Nice of you.
-Would've made a decent pro...

:01:27 put on some muscle.
-Are you local?
-We live down Lincoln Beach.

I'm hosting a barbecue where
Henry's Lounge used to be. Drop by.

-More of this Pirate Days hustle?
-No. I'm gonna be your neighbour.

Hey, baby!
The Florida Flash is moving in.

-Hi. Flash Phillips.
-I know.

And you are?
-Are you still living here?
-I'm visiting my mother.

Stokes, right? She has this house
on Carver Street facing the beach.

-Right. You running for office?
-I just like to know my neighbours.

-So how you been doing?
-Great, lately. There was some....

Well, when I got hurt,
I got lost there a little bit, you know?

-I left....
-I remember.

You look terrific. Have I seen you
on TV? You look familiar.

-I ought to look familiar.
-No, I mean the adult you.

I do instructional videos,

-Damn! You were just a little-bitty girl.
-I was their age.
