So you went back to lawns?
There's this guy.
Frederick Law Olmsted.
The one who designed Central Park
in New York.
-It was on Jeopardy.
"Famous parks and monuments."
Well, he's kind of the granddaddy
of what I do.
You take land that's wild and
inaccessible and you refine it.
You showcase the natural beauty,
you accentuate the topography...
...you create a space for everybody...
...rich, poor, in-between,
where they can come together.
So we're all invited
to Exley Plantation for a fish fry?
The populist part of it has fallen away.
But you know what I mean.
No, I do.
Do you remember on the golf course...?
Something about being out there
with some guy I hardly knew?
You get Sundays off?
-Are you sure you can pull this off?
-They'll listen to me.
The old college try isn't gonna do it
for us. We need results.
-I swing two more votes, it's done.
-It can't be too obvious.
It won't be. But you're on your own,
water management.
That's just technical stuff.
It's these anti-growth people.
Can't have too much noise
when the rezoning comes up.
-There will always be a few die-hards.
-I understand.
The usual format for this is to open an
account offshore. Does that work for you?