Sunshine State

So having his own business....
Thing is, it's his dream, not mine.
-And it ain't my mother's.
-She doesn't work there?

She'll drive six blocks out of her way
so as not to have to look at it.

Her own daddy was a minister...
:19:22 she feels like she was raised
for a higher calling.

Community theatre.
Last year, she starred in Mother Courage.
The year before that it was Electra.

People come to see what
the crazy lady is gonna do next.

-You wanted to be an actress?
-Hell, no. Oceanographer.

My friends called me
Jacqueline Cousteau.

-But you didn't...?
-Shit happens. A lot happened to me.

-You like what you do, don't you?
-The actual work. The politics....

-People fighting over land.
-I get there after the dust settles.

-And home is?
-Head office is in La Jolla.


But I just go from job to job
these days.

No family?
An ex and two kids. They live
in Connecticut with their....

She's remarried.
This guy I know is going on that
PGA tour. Different town every week...

...maid makes your bed. Hang out
in the bar, check out the local talent.
