-And you had other girls.
When I started to show...
...my mom and dad sent me
to my Aunt Thelma's in Macon.
Then I lost the baby.
And I just kept going.
-You lost the baby?
-A little boy.
I was going to name him Lee.
How did you...?
-How did you get by on your own?
-I lied a lot.
I lied about my age,
my experience.
I hooked up with anybody who was
likely to do me some good.
-You ever have kids after?
-No, I can't.
There were complications.
I was so young.
You must be pretty mad at me.
A 19-year-old football player. He
thinks he has the world in his pocket.
I'd like to smack his oversized head.
Not much of him left to smack.
I was who I was too.
But if we had brought somebody
in the world....
My mama is not gonna sell
her house.
Hello? Anyone here?
-Who's there?
-Terrell Wilkins.
-Who's Terrell Wilkins?
-We brought over Miss Delia's box.