Of course, it was segregated then.
It's a whole new game now.
-You from Delrona or from Lincoln Beach?
You got a nice spot on the water?
Do you get out there and swim?
-You don't know how...
-...or don't you get around to it?
-There's an undertow.
Of course there is.
There's always gonna be one of those.
The trick is, you don't try to fight it.
You swim parallel to the shore
till the pressure eases up.
You struggle with that whole,
wide ocean and you're a goner.
No matter how strong you are...
...no matter how much grit you got...
...you try to take it head on,
it'll pull you under.
Miss Delia?
She's off,
selling away my whole life.
Leave that pine box on the lawn. Give
the neighbours something to buzz about.
Terrell Wilkins!
You can't live on no beach
and be afraid of the water.
-Marly tells me you're an actress.
-More of an impresario these days.
Of course, Marly flirted
with her own theatrical life.
She portrayed a mermaid in a roadside
attraction. Very successfully.