
Yes, I found him.
An insignificant state employee,
living in a row house.

I went into his bedroom at night.
He was alone.

I woke him up.
I wanted him to know why.
It was pathetic. He cried like a baby.
I just couldn't do it.
Sometimes I drive past his house
at night when I can't sleep.
He got married last year.
Has a daughter of his own.

If somebody always pays,
who paid for your wife's death?
I did. I paid for it.
Now let's go after your Mr. Schoubya.
Mr. Schoubya. Chief Inspector Minks.
My colleague, Officer Schrader.
Thank you for seeing us
at such short notice.

We have a few questions.
Lynn Wilson, present residence:
The state morgue.

Sorry, no.
What about Stefan Kreiner?
Present residence: Nowhere.

A steady client of yours, I believe.
I'm familiar with Mr. Kreiner.
I prepared some contracts for him.
What kinds of contracts?
Sales contracts.
Sales contracts for what, Mr. Schoubya?
Listen, it's useless for me
to play innocent.

The contracts involved tattoos.
I agree, quite unusual objects,
but it's no reason to get upset.

The transactions were legal
and carried out by mutual agreement.
So you negotiated for a third party,
a collector.

That's right.
Who is the collector? - I regret.
