Lynn Wilson, present residence:
The state morgue.
Sorry, no.
What about Stefan Kreiner?
Present residence: Nowhere.
A steady client of yours, I believe.
I'm familiar with Mr. Kreiner.
I prepared some contracts for him.
What kinds of contracts?
Sales contracts.
Sales contracts for what, Mr. Schoubya?
Listen, it's useless for me
to play innocent.
The contracts involved tattoos.
I agree, quite unusual objects,
but it's no reason to get upset.
The transactions were legal
and carried out by mutual agreement.
So you negotiated for a third party,
a collector.
That's right.
Who is the collector? - I regret.
What does it cost to skin someone?
I'm only a businessman.
If you are planning to contact the D A
in order to gain access to my files...
No crime has been committed.
So there's no necessity
to reveal my client's identity.
You're a businessman.
So let's make a deal.
A Hiromitsu.
If your client is so hot on this shit,
he can have this,
provided he tells us something
about the tattoo trade.
It's too bad you folded it.
That drastically lessens the value.
Nevertheless, I'll see what I can do.