Forty-eight hours later, I made every
newspaper around the country.
"Big splash: New York businessman dives
into pool and comes out movie star."
Was I lucky? I think so.
If I had stayed just an actor, Norma
never would've given me a second look.
What caught her eye was a young
go-getter, sure about himself. Persuasive.
A subliminal reminder of the man who
was once her mentor and her husband.
It's the old story, though.
Luck doesn't happen by mistake.
Rather, luck is when opportunity
meets preparation.
As soon as the picture wrapped,
I flew back to the Big Apple.
Evan Picone was on fire...
...the showroom packed with them leggy
ladies prancing in their patrician pants.
It was turn-on plus. My brother Charles had
built the top fashion company of its time.
Me? I was lucky to be part of it...
...never having a second thought
about returning to La La Land.
Why should I?
In New York, I was a celebrity.
From debutante, to starlet, to model.
There I was on their most-wanted list.
Was I enjoying it? You bet your ass I was.
One night, my brother and I took
a few femme fatales to El Morocco.
Me? I didn't feel like conversation,
so I hit the dance floor.
Well, that night someone had eyes
for me, and it wasn't her.
It was Darryl Zanuck, head
honcho of 20th Century Fox.
He had no idea who I was.
But just looking at me, he thought:
That kid's right to play the
matador opposite Ava Gardner.
After years and years of knocking
on doors, being turned down...
...here I am, discovered to star
in two pictures within six months.
That's what you call incident, and that's
what's also known as sense of discovery.
Thank God, I was the one discovered.