The Kid Stays In the Picture

There I was on their most-wanted list.
Was I enjoying it? You bet your ass I was.

One night, my brother and I took
a few femme fatales to El Morocco.

Me? I didn't feel like conversation,
so I hit the dance floor.

Well, that night someone had eyes
for me, and it wasn't her.

It was Darryl Zanuck, head
honcho of 20th Century Fox.

He had no idea who I was.
But just looking at me, he thought:

That kid's right to play the
matador opposite Ava Gardner.

After years and years of knocking
on doors, being turned down...

:06:36 I am, discovered to star
in two pictures within six months.

That's what you call incident, and that's
what's also known as sense of discovery.

Thank God, I was the one discovered.
I was sent down to Mexico
to study to be a bullfighter.

Mind you, I have never once
seen a bull in my life.

I worked my ass off for three months.
Wearing a rubber girdle each day, so I'd
lose weight around my midsection.

There was one big problem.
No one wanted me in the picture.

Ernest Hemingway was furious they'd
pick a guy out of a nightclub...

:07:27 play Pedro Romero,
who in the true-life story was him.

A telegram goes out to
Darryl Zanuck. It reads:

"With Robert Evans playing Pedro Romero,
The Sun Also Rises will be a disaster.

Signed, Ernest Hemingway,
Tyrone Power...

...Ava Gardner, Eddie Albert."
The only one who refused to sign it
was Errol Flynn. He laughed.

I know I'm gonna get fired.
But that gave me the resolve.

I said, fuck them. And, you know,
when I knew that telegram went out...

...I became Pedro Romero in one week.
