Then she gives me her last zinger.
"Peter and I are getting married in the fall.
We plan to spend October in Venice.
Ever been there?" Nope.
"Then wait. Only go there
when you're madly in love."
That was it for me. I grabbed her arm.
Never plan, kid. Planning's for the poor.
If anything goes wrong between you and
Blondie between now and post time...
...take my number.
I'm seven digits away.
Hate to admit it, but she never called.
In the spring of 1969, holding Love
Story sure as hell wasn't holding aces.
I couldn't even find a
fucking director to do it.
You know what my batting average was?
A thousand. Everyone turned it down.
Suddenly, a minor miracle.
I get a director. Arthur Hiller.
He's willing to direct my
angel with a very dirty face.
Well, when you get a first bite,
there's no way you're gonna let it go.
It was Wednesday night. Suddenly, Miss
Snotnose remembers my seven digits.
This was one angry broad.
I say angry with a capital A.
"The audacity you have, Mr. Evans, to
sign a director I've never heard of...
...without consulting me. It's my property.
I'm doing the picture for slave wages.
I'm living up to my option agreement.
Have you forgotten the word 'courtesy'?"
I thought I was hyperventilating.
Ali, why don't you come out to L.A.
Tomorrow? Take a look at Hiller's film.
If you don't like it, we'll get someone
else. Trust me. I think you'll enjoy it.
The next night at 5, I pick up Snotnose
MacGraw in the Beverly Hills Hotel.
Did it bug me? You bet, needing
this starlet's nod of approval.
I hoped she wouldn't like Hiller so I could
tell her she was a one-way ticket east.
That her flick's over and out. Cancelled.
At least I'd get my nuts off.