It was Wednesday night. Suddenly, Miss
Snotnose remembers my seven digits.
This was one angry broad.
I say angry with a capital A.
"The audacity you have, Mr. Evans, to
sign a director I've never heard of...
...without consulting me. It's my property.
I'm doing the picture for slave wages.
I'm living up to my option agreement.
Have you forgotten the word 'courtesy'?"
I thought I was hyperventilating.
Ali, why don't you come out to L.A.
Tomorrow? Take a look at Hiller's film.
If you don't like it, we'll get someone
else. Trust me. I think you'll enjoy it.
The next night at 5, I pick up Snotnose
MacGraw in the Beverly Hills Hotel.
Did it bug me? You bet, needing
this starlet's nod of approval.
I hoped she wouldn't like Hiller so I could
tell her she was a one-way ticket east.
That her flick's over and out. Cancelled.
At least I'd get my nuts off.
I'm saying to myself, Miss Charming
ain't gonna get to me tonight.
I walked her through my front
doors, out and around my pool...
...towards my projection room. What I was
thinking didn't work the way I thought.
She looks up to me, with her
crooked tooth and all, and says:
"I feel like I'm walking through
my own private park in Paris."
Prepared for her bullshit,
it hardly made a ripple.
Arthur Hiller's audition was ready to roll.
It never did. The screen never came down.
Yeah, but Miss Flower Child Snotnose
soon got wet, very wet...
...jumping into the egg-shaped pool totally
clothed, from her shoes to her headband.
Me? I'm laughing on the inside,
but thinking, for a bohemian...
...she sure as hell became
comfortable very quickly.
Behind the so-called Beverly Hills gates,
with 2000 rose bushes...