"Cut!" says Hiller.
"That's it. We've got it."
You did a good job, Ali.
You had me in tears.
She runs over to me,
smothers me with kisses.
"Evans, did you really like it?
The tears, they were for you."
My eyes start to swell.
I actually start crying.
Crying about happiness, and feeling that
I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world.
Camelot was ours.
Well, at least I thought it was.
"Evans, there's a big problem. The board
of directors, they want me out of Paramount.
They can't afford it anymore.
It's turning a cash flow into a cash drought.
They've had it. They want me out too,
out of show business.
Get back to what I do best.
Making money, not movies."
Charlie was not prone to making
practical jokes, and this was no joke.
Fuck them, Charlie.
Stall them if you can.
With your eyes closed, you can buy
another quarter. I know you can.
Give us one more shot at the table.
You can do it.
"The board's already decided.
They called an emergency meeting
a week from tomorrow.
The studio will be closed
by the end of next week."
Damn it. This couldn't be happening to me.
And we were just on a roll.
Then it hit me.
Give me a half-hour, Charlie,
with the board.
Just one half-hour, that's all I need.
"Evans, the one person they don't
wanna see is you. Are you crazy, Evans?"
Yeah. But crazy good, Charlie.
I've got one ace in my hand:
Love Story.
And I'm gonna build a hand around it.
"All right, Evans. You got a half-hour.
That's all, just a half-hour.
Be in New York next Monday
at the board meeting.
And buy a one-way ticket,
and don't be late."
Peter Bart asked Mike Nichols
for an afternoon...
...to film a reel for his boss
to deliver to the board of directors...
...of Gulf and Western.
Mike directed me in, I'm sure,
the best performance of my life.
Where were you, Mike, when I needed
you 10 years ago, when I was an actor?