The Kid Stays In the Picture

"The board's already decided.
They called an emergency meeting
a week from tomorrow.

The studio will be closed
by the end of next week."

Damn it. This couldn't be happening to me.
And we were just on a roll.

Then it hit me.
Give me a half-hour, Charlie,
with the board.

Just one half-hour, that's all I need.
"Evans, the one person they don't
wanna see is you. Are you crazy, Evans?"

Yeah. But crazy good, Charlie.
I've got one ace in my hand:
Love Story.

And I'm gonna build a hand around it.
"All right, Evans. You got a half-hour.
That's all, just a half-hour.

Be in New York next Monday
at the board meeting.

And buy a one-way ticket,
and don't be late."

Peter Bart asked Mike Nichols
for an afternoon...

:33:45 film a reel for his boss
to deliver to the board of directors...

...of Gulf and Western.
Mike directed me in, I'm sure,
the best performance of my life.

Where were you, Mike, when I needed
you 10 years ago, when I was an actor?

That Sunday at 6 p.m.,
I caught the redeye into New York.

No luggage, but a can
of film under my arm.

This was our one and only chance.
If the film didn't play, the board would
shut down the studio, effective immediately.

As I walked into the Gulf
and Western building...

...Bluhdorn handed me
my walking papers.

"Well, Evans, at least we tried."
I pushed him away.
Hold these for another 20 minutes,
will you, Charlie?

I walked into the boardroom,
a 100-to-1 shot.

Before me sat 16
of America's finest non-smilers.

Gentlemen, I apologize
for not being better dressed.

When you've got
a one-way ticket and no hotel...

:34:47 ain't that easy to keep
up with the style of the room.

No laugh. Not a crack.
Not even a white of a tooth in sight.

Quickly, I stepped out of the room...
...and handed the projectionist
Paramount's future.
