The Transporter

And in other news...
I always say the way
a man treats his car...

is how he treats himself.
I'd say that's probably true,

Heh heh heh!
You have a good sense of humor...

for a foreigner,
Monsieur Frank.

Like the French.
Sly wit.

Just the right amount
of flavor.

Been out driving?
Until they pass a law
that says I can't.

You want to come in
for a coffee?

Uh, thank you...
but I have a lot
of stops to make.

88 to be exact.
That's a lot of stops.
A lot of 1999
black BMW 765s...

with 06 in the license
plates to check out.

Oh, it's a very
popular car...

with a certain type
down here.

You've seen them.
They come over from Italy...
in those very expensive suits...
and the young pretty girls...
with the big jewelry
and too much make-up.

Very... Mafia.
There was a robbery.
A getaway.
Some very fancy driving.
By someone in a 1999
black BMW 735?

With 06 on the plate.
You have been
in the city lately?

Not for a while.
I love Nice.
The food...

the way they grill fish.
No place else in France does it...
the way they do in Nice.
And the women...
I prefer the women there.
They are more...

than the local variety.
Don't you think?
I don't particularly
like complicated.

You like to keep it simple.
Why are you so interested?
Oh, you know, uh...
ever since
I'm a little boy...

military people
have always intrigued me.

I'm ex-military.
I'm an ex-little boy.
