l've come for Martin Grosalie.
His training is done. He has leave today.
Leave has been cancelled.
They're being punished.
-What for?
They were almost done.
All they had to do, was shout 'Sieg Heil'.
Brand-new SS officers,
shouldn't be a problem.
The commanding officer didn't think
it sounded enthusiastic enough.
That's a serious matter around here.
Do you understand?
They can't keep him here.
l haven't seen him in two years.
That can't be helped.
They're returning to the front tonight.
Poland, Russia. Fighting, fighting...
He's been trying to get leave
for two years. He must have it now.
lt was the only reason
he wanted to do this stupid training.
Do you think he really wanted
to be an officer?
He doesn't give a damn
about the whole war.