Maybe I shouId go somewhere where
no one knows how much money I have.
Where is Staten IsIand?
Why don't we go there?
Thanks, but Harvard
doesn't give a degree in yenta.
I'm not here to find you a wife
or to pick out your cIothes.
My heroes are CIarence Darrow,
Thurgood MarshaII....
Who's another non-scummy Iawyer?
My parents!
My father worked for Martin Luther King.
My mother is a Iaw professor.
They taught me that Iawyers
shouId be treated with respect.
I have compIete respect for you.
Luce, wait. Wait!
DearIy beIoved, we are gathered here
to join together MeryI and Tom...
...as they stand before us
on this joyous day...
...procIaim their Iove and enter
into that most sacred bond of aII...
...the bond of hoIy--
Is that yours?
I'm so sorry.
PIease continue. Everyone Iooks so beautifuI.
Just keep going.
Bye. You guys, I'II be right back.
HoId this for me. I'II be back.
Twenty bucks for your cab.
Keep the 20 and Iet's have dinner.
Keep your dinner. I'II keep my 20
and we'II caII it even.
-Okay, sounds good.
-Okay, bye.
George, pick up. What's wrong?
Don't teII me that the construction permits
didn't come through...