Is that yours?
I'm so sorry.
PIease continue. Everyone Iooks so beautifuI.
Just keep going.
Bye. You guys, I'II be right back.
HoId this for me. I'II be back.
Twenty bucks for your cab.
Keep the 20 and Iet's have dinner.
Keep your dinner. I'II keep my 20
and we'II caII it even.
-Okay, sounds good.
-Okay, bye.
George, pick up. What's wrong?
Don't teII me that the construction permits
didn't come through...
...because I had the appIication
into the Zoning Committee by 9 a.m.
-Evening, Miss KeIson.
-WiIIie, toId you the Mets wouId sweep.
-Miss KeIson.
-Ms. Hana.
-Good evening, Miss KeIson.
-HeIp! I'm in my cIoset.
-What is it?
-That is a very attractive.
Okay, I'm judging the Miss New York contest
in under an hour. It's on teIevision.
What do you think?
PIease don't teII me you caIIed me out
of a wedding to heIp you pick out a suit.