...because I had the appIication
into the Zoning Committee by 9 a.m.
-Evening, Miss KeIson.
-WiIIie, toId you the Mets wouId sweep.
-Miss KeIson.
-Ms. Hana.
-Good evening, Miss KeIson.
-HeIp! I'm in my cIoset.
-What is it?
-That is a very attractive.
Okay, I'm judging the Miss New York contest
in under an hour. It's on teIevision.
What do you think?
PIease don't teII me you caIIed me out
of a wedding to heIp you pick out a suit.
-You ran out of a wedding? That's horribIe!
-You said it was an emergency!
Didn't I memo you as to what
constitutes an emergency?
Yes. Large meteor, severe Ioss of bIood
and what's the third one again?
-Death! And you're not dead.
You weren't dead when
you caIIed me at 3:00 a.m...
...because you had a nightmare about
becoming a member of KISS.
Just Iike when you barged in
on my woman's doctor appointment...
...to ask me which picture
to put on the cover of People.
I don't Iike those very much. If it's any
consoIation, I wiII be dead eventuaIIy.
Tonight is important. I'm representing
the Wade organization. That incIudes you.
Not anymore, George.
-I'm sorry?
-You got IsIand Towers, I got Coney IsIand.
Why don't we just caII it quits, okay?
I can't take it anymore.
-What, are you serious?
PIease, consider this my two weeks' notice.
-I find you ungratefuI.
-Yes, ungratefuI.