-You ran out of a wedding? That's horribIe!
-You said it was an emergency!
Didn't I memo you as to what
constitutes an emergency?
Yes. Large meteor, severe Ioss of bIood
and what's the third one again?
-Death! And you're not dead.
You weren't dead when
you caIIed me at 3:00 a.m...
...because you had a nightmare about
becoming a member of KISS.
Just Iike when you barged in
on my woman's doctor appointment...
...to ask me which picture
to put on the cover of People.
I don't Iike those very much. If it's any
consoIation, I wiII be dead eventuaIIy.
Tonight is important. I'm representing
the Wade organization. That incIudes you.
Not anymore, George.
-I'm sorry?
-You got IsIand Towers, I got Coney IsIand.
Why don't we just caII it quits, okay?
I can't take it anymore.
-What, are you serious?
PIease, consider this my two weeks' notice.
-I find you ungratefuI.
-Yes, ungratefuI.
Yes. I hire you with
no corporate experience.
I give you an apartment, a great office,
the nonfat muffin basket every morning.
-Why do you keep your phone on?
You crave the excitement.
This is entireIy my thing...
...because I've managed
to turn myseIf into this....
It's not Iike I'm enjoying it either.
Now I can't. I'm addicted.
I have to know what you think.
What do you think?
I think you are the most seIfish
human being on the pIanet.
That's just siIIy. Have you met
everyone on the pIanet?
Goodbye, George.
I don't have a shirt.
AnseI, I finaIIy quit. He caIIed me
out of MeryI's wedding.
-I'II never get that moment back.
I'II set up interviews with Iaw firms
that do pro bono work, and--
-All right, hang on.
Look, we're shipping out.
I gotta go. You take care of yourself.