-When did Mr. Wade caII?
-Mr. Wade never caIIed.
-Maybe an hour ago.
Make sure you massage his cIoven hoof!
I'm suddenIy feeIing a pain in my ass.
I am unempIoyabIe! You caIIed everyone
except for SIurpee Heaven!
That is not true. I did caII SIurpee Heaven.
They didn't want you.
Heard you had attitude.
Said you weren't SIurpee materiaI.
-You shouId reaIIy Iet us work on you.
-I don't Iike to be touched!
I'm sorry, you guys are great.
It's not you.
AII right, Iisten.
You have a contract and it says
you wiII work untiI IsIand Towers is finaIized.
Which is compIetion of construction,
or I can stop you working eIsewhere.
And there's no IoophoIes
because you drafted it and you're the best.
SubconsciousIy, I think you drafted it that
way because you don't reaIIy want to go.
Does it kiII you how weII I know you?
Honey, this contract is exceIIent work.
I'm very proud of you.
Dad, I'm trying to get out of it.
I don't know why you went to work
for that phiIandering robber baron.
You usually have impeccable instincts.
Look at your boyfriend, Ansel.
He's a dedicated environmental warrior.
This is ironcIad. Houdini couIdn't
get out of this contract.
You shouId've stayed
at the IegaI aid job.
If I do pro bono work with a company
with these resources...
-...I can accompIish so much--
-Come on over for strawberry ice cream.
Have Tofutti! You heard what the doctor
said. Your choIesteroI is over 300!
You're basicaIIy a soIid.
Two of the greatest IegaI minds
in this country arguing over dessert.
Lucy, it was your choice to work
for that man.
You couId've done anything. You couId've
cIerked for the Supreme Court.
I don't know what to teII you.
Short of going in
and deIiberateIy trying to get fired.
You stay away from that freezer!
Good morning, boys.
Sorry, I am so Iate.